Sunday, September 16, 2007
Typhoon WIPHA
Typhoon Nari came through last night and wasn't bad at all. Got some nice winds (not enough to blow us off the rooftop during our quick visit). Some tree branches and trash blown about, and the wind whislted by the building and shook the windows, but that was it!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Waiting for the Typhoon

Rob needed to go out into the fab yard the other day and long sleeves are required. Unfortunately, he didn't have any readily available, so he borrowed Bomi's jacket!!! It was a tight squeeze, but it served it's purpose for a quick visit to the yard. Here's Rob & Bomi while he wears her jacket.
Mitch was also heading out and borrowed on of the other girls' jackets!!!!
Friday night we had dinner with some folks that are here with Transocean building a drill ship. I love this group.... a couple of younger folks and we can't talk about OUR project team when we're with them. Our group has a tendency to continually talk about work after work. With this group, it's a different project, so there's no work talk. It's great!
Sharmaine and I.
Here, Sharmaine is explaining the signs we see for "Box Sets" on the street. Apparently, it's a karaoke room with a girl for about $120 -- for an hour, I believe. But, if you pay more...well, you know....
It's nice to get the real story from a Korean who knows what is going on!After dinner, the boys played poker. Rob won about $20.

That's all I've got for now. I'll post pictures of the storm later!!! The big part should hit around midnight tonight.
Typhoon Preparation

Monday, September 10, 2007
BBQ on the Beach

The late crowd.
The beautiful sky around sunset. We taught everyone the way of the Austinites and clapped at sunset.