Well, I made my first trip to the grocery store "Home Plus". It's about 15 minutes down the road, and is a larger store with more common western foods, so we made the trip there. This is a multi-level palace of items. clothes, dishes, make-up, bedding, and after about 10 minutes and 3 floors, we actually found the grocery store. First of all, the place was a complete zoo. Lesson learned #1 - do not go on the weekend. The grocery carts were so cool...you could steer them in any direction, completely sideways, diagonal, etc. They just flew in any direction and were actually quite hard to control wearing flip flops without much traction. Must wear tennis shoes to the grocery from now on. I did actually hit someone with my cart because I accidentally sent it spinning. I'm lucky it wasn't a child!! The only things I can't recall seeing at the grocery store were deoderant, peanut butter, jelly, mayo, ketchup....probably other items, but in general I found what I needed. spaghetti sauce, noodles, diet coke, meat, etc. They do take credit card, so that was great. I spent $100 and bagged my own groceries. I had to beg the lady for bags, she didn't want to give me any more than 1...I couldn't understand it. So, we wheeled our carts up the flat escalator (picture attached of Neil) and then found the self-packing station, where you are supposed to box your groceries and then carry to your car. Ah-ha...now I know why the lady thought I was crazy to keep asking for bags. The only problem with the self-packing is that Neil and I had bought loads of stuff on our first trip and there's no way we could've carried a box, it would've weighed too much. And we had to take an elevator (grocery carts not allowed) to our parking level, where we had obviously parked at the furthest end from the elevator. I was dying laughing and Neil was cursing. He took the first load of bags to the car while I watched the groceries. Then he came back and we grabbed all of the remaining groceries and got out of there. It was hilarious. Other lessons learned were #2 - park near the elevator so you do not have to carry the groceries far and #3 - don't buy more than you can carry, especially if you are alone! I'm still laughing at the entire awkward experience.
Here's Neil on the flat escalator with his cart.

Everytime I've had a meal with seafood, there are little octopus (octopi?) in them, so I snapped them in the seafood section, next to some nice large shrimp.

One level of Home Plus....It's basically a minature mall with a grocery store.
Yo, your blog is super cool (much like my own, of course). How do the octopus (octopi?) taste? How do you cook them? Have you eaten any unidentifiable foods yet, or identified any foods you wish you hadn't? How's your karaoke coming (never mind your Korean language skills)?
Alaska is great. The weather is getting warm - 50s & 60s every day - and the trees & grass are turning green very quickly. I haven't seen any moose (unfortunately), nor have I had any bear encounters yet (fortunately). But they're out there, somewhere...
OMG, octopus (octopi?)...Well I can see none of us know what the plural of it is, but whatever, they look disgusting. SO have you tried these little critters or just sticking to regular seafood? I am impressed with the grocery store/mini mall and how you learned lessons going there.
Life is the same. Weekend with the parents went well and surprisingly so did golf. Though I did get a lesson or two at the end from the dad. Like Father like son. Miss you already!
Octopus. Interesting. =)-
The other day, in AMERICA!!, I was watching the Food Network. They were in Korea eating FRESH octopus. They would take the little octopus out of the tank, cut off the tentacles, pour on the soy sauce, and eat the little legs while they were still wriggling! They said it was better than brushing your teeth: the little suction cups would stick all over your mouth...and in your throat as you swallowed!!!!
I double dog dare you. =)-
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