We interviewed for our office staff a few weeks ago and some of them are finally onboard!!! Yeah! Here's a few pictures of our ladies on the project. It's SO wonderful to finally have someone who can call maintenance or order office supplies in Korean! It sure was hard to get things done at the office when everyone that came by could either barely speak English or none at all. And, Rob and I took the ferry to Pusan last weekend, so one of the girls wrote out all of our destinations in Korean, so we could communicate with the taxi driver. Taxi's are so incredibly cheap, which I don't understand since we calculated gas to be something like $6.87 a gallon here, or 1554 Korean Won per Liter, maybe - can't recall exactly, but I know it cost me over $90 to fill my tank on Friday. Ugh. Anyhow, a 15 minute taxi ride in Pusan was about $5.50. Not too bad. Unfortunately, the cost for both of us to take the ferry to/from Pusan was a total of about $80.
Back to the story, the ladies being in the office is so helpful. Here was our welcome lunch at the Geoje Island Hotel Sky Lounge. Here is YoonJoo and HyunSun.

And then Ziun and YoonJoo. These three are already working in our office.

These ladies in the next picture have worked for multiple Chevron projects over the last years. We are hoping to pick them up in October, when another Chevron project departs Okpo.

The group picture. No comment on the giant beast that is the blonde in this picture. Rough pic for me. LOL.
Gee, you're just blending right in with the office staff. Nice.
Someone needs to teach Ziun the proper hand sign. |__| Hook-em.
Hi guys,
We've been enjoying your journey!
Looks like you've settled into the Korean way of life. The hiking looks great! The food ??? I'd be 20 lbs. thinner!! It's been hotter than "hell" in TX. Keep the posts coming. the time will go fast! Luv Ya!
Loved the pics from the hospital, that wouldn't fly in the states for drug testing! The pics from Thailand are great, looking forward to the next adventure.
Mom Riess
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